Direction: The objectives of the group are to develop technology in order to produce microalgae and value-added products from microalgae. Research ranges from strain selection and development, the study of the effect of environmental conditions on growth, to the design of the production process. The group is also interested in the study of biochemical pathways of algae, to produce substances of interest. |
Products and Services
Research Work in
Progress High rate algal ponds for spirulina production The group develop the cultivation of Spirulina using tapioca starch wastewater to cut down the cost of fertilizers. Currently, technology developed is being implemented by the private sector to produce dried spirulina as animal feed. Besides the cultivation techniques, the group is also studying the extraction process of value-added products from Spirulina : e.g. phycocyanin and gamma-linolenic acid. Example of other research work
Contact Person...
Asst. Prof. Boosya Bunnag
Email: iboonnag@cc.kmitt.ac.th
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