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Application of swirl burner for LPG cooker.


About 90% of total energy consumption in Thailand comes from the combustion of fossil fuel and biomass. The improvement of combustion processes in the order of 5-10% would be equivalent to the contribution of hydroelectric source. Therefore, the efficient combustion with minimum emission is our major research goal. Based on the resources of lignite and biomass available in Thailand, the research is focused on the development of “clean technology” for burning these fuels, and the most promising is fluidized-bed combustor. The studies cover both fundamental and application of fluidized-bed combustion. The other research topics are flue gas desulfurization, catalytic combustion of soot, and the combustion of low grade gas fuels in crater bed.

Products and Services
  1. Furnaces and waste incinerators
  2. Boiler for heat and/or power generation
Research Work in Progress
  1. Combustion of Biomass in Fluidized Bed Furnaces.
  2. Desulfurization in Fluidized Bed Combustor using Natural Limestone and Sea Shell.
  3. Catalytic Combustion of Soot from Diesel Engine.
  4. Combustion of Low Grade Gas Fuels in Crater Beds.
  5. Performance Improvement of LPG Cooking Stoves
  6. Simulation Model for Temperature and NOx Prediction in Fossil Fuel Fired Boilers

Contact Person...

Asst Prof. Dr.Suvit Tia
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