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1500 litre Fermentor in PDTI’S Pilot Plant

The Fermentation Technology Lab was established to develop and promote production technologies, with emphasis on the fermentation techniques and process cultivation and formulation of bio-products from microorganisms, including yeast, bacteria, fungi, and virus.

Products and Services
  1. Baker’s Yeast Production Process.
    The technology to produce baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been successfully developed in the pilot plant at PDTI with a capacity of 1 ton dry weight baker’s yeast per month. Sugar feed in fed-batch fermentation is precisely controlled based on the respiratory quotient, using PID (Proportional & Integral & Derivative) control. Final volumetric yields are 80 grams dry weight per liter, representing a growth yield coefficient of 0.33 gram dry yeast per gram sugar.

  2. Laboratory and Pilot-Scale experimentation
  3. Pilot-Scale development and plant design
  4. Pilot Plant services ranging from 5 to
    1,500 liters.
  5. Consultation and Training


Research Work in Progress
  1. The production of baker’s yeast for commercial purpose.
  2. Enhancement of the viability of baker’s yeast for drying process.
  3. Trehalose production from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  4. Hemicellulase enzyme production using
    agricultural residue.
  5. Production and secretion of xylanase from mixed bacteria.
  6. The characteristics of pathogenic insect fungi isolated in Thailand.
  7. The production of baculovirus via
    fermentation for viral pesticide purpose.
  8. The optimum condition for gamma linolenic acid production from Mucor rouxii.


Contact Person...

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yuwapin Lertwerawat Email: iyuwawat@cc.kmitt.ac.th
Asst. Prof. Dr. Solot Suwanayuen   Email: isolyuen@cc.kmitt.ac.th

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