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PDTI has organized in collaboration with various partners particular training courses and workshops annually, providing the participants with up-to-date information and advanced technology in the changing environment. A number of participants were from industries which would like to develop their own capabilities in R,D&E through PDTI. Some of the training courses attracted local and foreign participants for example, those from regional countries and South America. wpe78.jpg (6074 bytes)
19 May-27 June 1986 Regional Training Course on Utilization of Pilot Plant for Fermentor Design and Operation
11 May-5 June 1987 Regional Training Course on Biogas Reactor Design and Development
14-18 May 1989 Regional Workshop on Biochemical Engineering
21-24 November 1989 Workshop on Retort Operation and Control
5-16 February 1990 Regional Training Course on Biogas in Agroindustry
6-8 November 1991 Regional Workshop on Fluidized Bed Combustion
17-22 November 1991 Seminar and Training Course on Mass Cultivation of Microalgae
5-9 October 1992 Unit Operations in Chemical Processes
10 October 1992 Combustion of Solid Fuels in Fluidized Bed
3 December 1992 Natural Language Processing
7-9 December 1992 Biosensors
9-12 February 1993 Biogas Production from Agro-Industry Wastewater
16 September 1993 Sucrose Sensor
5-6 May 1994 PDTI Annual Meeting
4-8 July 1994 Process Development of Cell Culture
11-16 July 1994 Thai-USAID Workshop on Biosensor Technology
25 November 1994 Protein Recovery from Fish Canning Wastewater
6-9 December 1994 Microalgal Biotechnology Workshop
19 April 1995 Printed Circuit Board Industrial Development Guideline in Thailand
20-21 April 1995 Fuel Combustion and Steam Boilers
24-28 July 1995 Systematised and Observation of Microalgae
12-14 October 1995 Bioreactor Design and Applications
22-24 December 1995 PDTI Annual Meeting

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