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TIS is designed to keep modern business, industry, the public sector and researchers up to date with information on international technical developments. TIS specializes in information from or about ASEAN countries, which are part of the most dynamic region in the world today.

Currently, TIS has developed and maintained technical information databases covering the following areas :

  • Food Technology
  • Renewable Energy
  • Biosensors
  • Biogas
  • Biotechnology
  • Membrane Technology
  • Solar Energy Technology
  • Environmenal Technology
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TIS also provides five powerful databases in the form of Quarterly Abstract Journals, namely solar energy, combustion, biomass, energy conservation and

TIS has been providing some 3,000 subscribers from over 120 countries worldwide with Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) services since 1990.

For more information please contact :-

Technical Information Services
P.O. Box 51
Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 Thailand
Tel : 66-2-4284014 Fax : 66-2-4284014
E-mail : terry@biotec.or.th

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