- Heat Transfer in Individually Quick Freezing Process
(Head. Dr. Tipaporn Yoodvidhaya)
- Drying Effect on Quality of Dried Shiitake Mushroun
(Head : Dr. Tipaporn Yoodvidhaya, 1993)
- Development of Prototype of Sulfur Dioxide Removal from Flue Gas
(Head : Dr. Wittaya Thappatioon, 1993)
- Amperometric Enzyme Electrode for Glutamate Measurement Phase I.
(Head : Mr. Werasak Suraruengchai, 1993)
- Amperometric Enzyme Electrode for Glutamate Measurement Phase II.
(Head : Mr. Werasak Suraruengchai, 1994)
- Ethanol-water Extractive Separation.
(Head : Asst. Prof. Dr. Solot Suwanayuen, 1994)
- Viscous Liquid Drying in Spouted Bed
(Head : Asst.Prof.Dr.Suvit Tia, 1994)
- Purification of Pararubber-seed Oil.
(Head : Dr. Noppadon Cheamsawat, 1994)
- The Selection of Polymer-Coating on Pizoelectric Crytal Biosensor
for Determination of Organophoshorus Pesticides.
(Head : Ms. Pornpimol Sritongkum, 1994)
- Clarification of Mill Juice from Pineapple Skin by Synthetic UF
and Self forming Dynamic UF Membrane.
(Head : Dr.Dudsadee Uttapap, 1995)
- Biofiltration System for Decontaminating Gases.
(Head : Asst. Prof. Dr. Solot Suwanayuen, 1995)
- Optimum Condition for Drying of Shiitake Mushroom.
(Head : Dr. Tipaporn Yoovidhaya, 1995)
- Elimination of Ascorbic Acid Interference of Sucrose in Food and
Drink Industries
(Head : Ms. Pornpimol Sritongkum, 1995)
- Optimization of Blocked Freezing Process
(Head : Mr.Suvit Siriwatanayothin, 1995)
- Prototype Hybrid PV-Wind Diesel Generating Unit First Phase :
(Head : Mr.Tawatchai Suwannakum, 1995)
National Metal and
Materials Technology Center (MTEC) |
- Baby-Corn Grading Machine.
(Head : Mr. Sumate Tanchareon, 1994)
- Combustion of Banana Peel in Fluidized Bed
(Head : Mr. Tanong Chayawattana, 1994)
- Biomass Production in 150 Litre Fermentor
(Head : Mr.Supachai Boonnumma, 1995)
National Electronics
and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) |
- The Development of Piezoelectric Cystal Biosensor for the
Determination of Organophosphorus.
(Head : Ms. Pornpimol Sirkumta, 1993-4)
- Development of Electronics Balance-of-System (BOS) for
Photovoltaic System : Phase II.
(Head : Mr.Tawatchai Suwannakum, 1994)
- The Feasibility to Set Up the Production Unit of Prototype Printed
Circuit Board.
(Head : Asst.Prof.Dr.Solot Suwanayuen,1994)
- Amperomatic Enzyme Electrode for the Determination of L-Glutamate
Using Flow Injection Analysis.
(Head : Asst. Prof Boosaya Bunnag, 1994)
- The Development of Piezoelectric Crystal Biosensor for the
Determination for Organophophorus Phase II.
(Head : Ms. Pornpimol Sritongkum, 1995)
Naional Research
Council of Thailand (NRCT) |
- Biological Treatment of Chlorinated Organic Compound in Wastewater
from Printing Paper Industry
(Head : Asst. Prof. Dr. Solot Suwanayuen, 1994)
- ASEAN SCNCER : Technical Information Service
(Head : Asst. Prof. Dr. Suvit Tia, Thai-ASEAN : 1994)
- Improvement of Fluidized Bed Boiler.
(Head : Mr. Tanong Chayawattana, Thai- ASEAN : 1995)
- The Development of Bio-Film Coating on Peizoelectric Crystal by
Electrochemical Polymerization Technique for Biosensor Application
(Head : Ms. Pronpimol Sritongkum, Thai - England : 1995)
National Center
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) |
- High-Value Chemicals from Spirulina.
(Head : Asst. Prof.Dr.Morakot Tonticharoen, 1993-1995)
- Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant
Research and Development Unit.
(Head : Asst. Prof. Dr. Solot Suwanayuen, 1994)
- Enzyme Immobilization by Electrochemical
Polymerization Technique Leading to
Commercialization of Sucrose Biosensor.
(Head : Ms. Sopa Klinchan, 1995)
- Bioleaching of Low-grade Copper Sulphide Ores.
(Head : Dr. Paithip Thiravetyan, 1995)
- Molecular Genetic Study on the Production of
g.-Linolentic Acid of Mucor rouxii 24905 : 1 Cloning and Characterization of D9 and D12
Desaturase Genes, the Genes Involved in the
Production of g-Linolenic Acid.
(Head : Dr. Yuwapin Lerwerawat, 1995)