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Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Research and Development Unit (BEC) was set up at KMITT, at the request of KMITT, to be a R&D laboratory under the auspices of the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, on the basis of the campus strength in Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering Research.


Intensive work on biogas technology with major emphasis on waste utilization and management.


Biochemical Engineering research groups have grown into Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI), an autonomous body of KMITT.
Technical Information Services Commenced operation.


Commercial scale biogas plant constructed at Banpong Tapioca Flour Industrial Co., Ltd.
Pilot plant work on Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC) began.


Design and construction of Industrial Solar Collector for solar dryer at Royal Food Processing Plant, Burirum.
(ASEAN - Canada Project)


KMITT Industrial Park Plan completed with PDTI as a principal institute of the Park.
Neotec Co.Ltd., a private firm, established to commercialize Spirulina as animal feed. The production process was developed and transferred to Neotec by PDTI.
Contract Research on Protein Recovery from Tuna
Canning Wastewater commenced.
Pilot Plant of FBC was completed.


Contract for technology transfer for Spirulina production on a commercial scale with a tapioca starch factory was signed.
Baker’s Yeast Pilot Plant completed.
Promotion video tapes for PDTI and FBC technology were produced.
Joined the First International Congress on Science and
Technology for Indochina for FBC technology promotion.


Process and Environmental Analysis Service commenced.
Joined ASEAN Science and Technology Week.
Joined Techno-Mart’95 Exhibition.
Ramkhamhaeng National Park Solar Project completed.
Wastewater treatment system design for biogas production in operation.

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