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Pilot plants developed to date by PDTI are mostly related to bioprocesses, waste management and utilization and energy generation.

They include :

  • Drum, flash & spray dryers
  • Single-cell protein pilot plant
  • Completely instrumented fermentor system (150 litres to 1500 litres)
  • Biogas reactors
  • Photobioreactors & spirulina cultivation systems
  • Soybean oil and defatted soybean pilot plant
  • Wastewater treatment for cassava starch factory
  • Dissolved air floatation pilot plant
  • Fluidized bed combustor using lignite and biomass residue for process heat and steam generation
  • Aerobic wastewater treatment plant using trickling film reactor
  • Computerised retort unit

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Pneumatic Dryer

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Spray Dryer
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Fermentor System

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